Top four reasons why your home needs poufs

24 August 2021 Agboakiosime Imoudu

What is a pouf?

A pouf (or pouffe) is a solid cushion placed on the floor near other furnishings to serve as a footstool or low seat. Not many pieces of furniture can come in so many colours, sizes, and shapes. Poufs are versatile, come with plenty of variety, and can immediately transform the appearance of your home or office. They have many benefits, some of which you’ll find below. 


While poufs are popular for their ability to complement the beauty in any room, they also have health benefits. Seated on the flat floor, your body curves, and your back suffers. But when you sit on a pouf or use one as a footrest, it helps you maintain a good posture. This improves blood circulation and relieves back pain. 


Poufs are extremely versatile. They add to the beauty of your home by blending with existing furniture and empty spaces. They are soft and solid at the same time, which is why they can provide both comfort and warmth.   

Aesthetic appeal

Poufs come in different shapes, colours, and sizes. Square, round, oval, pink, blue, red, or yellow, the choice is yours. It all depends on the theme you are working on and how you intend to use your space. The many varieties of poufs available make it easy to find something that will either complement or add a bit of contrast to your home decor. 


Not many pieces of furniture offer as much functionality as poufs. As a result, you have many reasons to invest in them. You may use them as footrests and seats. Poufs with flat tops can be used as extra tabletops. They can also serve as barriers to demarcate spaces, especially if you have young children playing around. 

So, now you realise why poufs would be a welcome addition to your home or office. But with so many sizes, shapes, and colours in the market, how do you choose? When you find a store with great customer service, you’ll find your perfect poufs.

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